Thursday, December 2, 2010

Friday, December 5, 2008

Patriot Acts

Patriot Acts

I used an alternate crop of this image in a poster I designed for a local theater company, Acting Up (in Acadiana), for their series of original, political short pieces collectively titled, The Patriot Acts II. I worked as an actor in the original Patriot Acts in October, 2004.

Sunday, September 14, 2008



To clarify, those are dog tags in the figures' hands and on the floor.

Contemporary Arts Center, New Orleans

My series Talking Heads is currently showing in "City Stage" (July 12 to October 5, 2008), at the Contemporary Arts Center in New Orleans.

Talking Heads 1

Talking Heads 2

Talking Heads 3

"...Colin Miller's clever photographic self-portraits of himself as a glib TV news anchor preening and beaming as planes crash into the Twin Towers behind him extends the metaphor of mass media as a strange dream."
- D. Eric Bookhardt, Gambit Weekly

Crimes Against the Coalition

Crimes Against the Coalition

"Creepily entertaining, it evokes the extremely unfunny Abu Ghraib scandal while illustrating the artist's impressive technical skills."
- D. Eric Bookhardt, Gambit Weekly

Camp Redemption

Camp Redemption

Most recently in the 2008 Southern Open at the Acadiana Center for the Arts in Lafayette, Louisiana.